Managed Portfolios
Off-the-shelf portfolios
If you are looking to invest, but worried you don’t have the experience, our ready-made portfolios + expert could be the service for you.
With this revolutionary new way to invest, you simply choose your risk appetite, and go.
Quick start-up: Set your portfolio up in 10 minutes
Flexible: Choose your assets or leave it to an expert
Simple: Set your objectives and risk appetite
How does it work?
It is as simple as choosing your risk appetite and sitting back. Our ready-made funds + experts offer clients several high value, low-cost solutions that react with the markets to keep your objectives on track.
Behind it are two of the world’s leading names in wealth management. They bring to the table ₤150m in annual investment research, as well as a dedicated investment team which works around the clock, adjusting and rebalancing funds to ensure portfolios are aligned to their risk profile.
After completing your risk profile questionnaire, you will automatically be matched with investments that suit your appetite.
The funds come with the flexibility to be reviewed and realigned with your changing situation and appetite over time.
Actively managed
Portfolios are rebalanced to ensure they remain in line with your objectives and risk profile. The ready-made funds offer clients a more affordable and less complicated alternative to the traditional practice of leaving your funds in the hands of your financial adviser. Instead, your investments are taken care of by stockbrokers, fund selectors and analysts, who can accurately assess, monitor, and switch funds in time with the rapidly changing global market.
The value of investments can go down as well as up and you may not recover the amount of your original investment